War on terrorism memorial planned near Oklahoma Capitol

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A memorial dedicated to Oklahomans killed in the war on terrorism is planned for just north of the Oklahoma Capitol. The memorial would be built next to the proposed Veterans Affairs Department building on the side of Lincoln Boulevard between NW 30 and NE 32.

The plans would also have statues and memorials honoring veterans south of the capital moved to the Veterans Affairs building.

The Veterans Affairs building is part of a $196 million bond issue that will also pay for six other projects. If Oklahoma legislators could take up the measure as early as a special session this month and include it in the state’s 2007 fiscal year. The measure is expected to be raised next year if the bond issue is not acted on this year.

War On Terror Memorial Design Committee will oversee the task of seeking designs for the memorial. Because no state money has been set aside for the memorial, the committee would also raise money for its construction. Similar memorials around the country range in price of $1 million to $2.2 million.

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