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Dental Implants Professionals in New Jersey Discuss the Most Common Causes of Tooth Loss, PART 1
Gina Butler
Most of us, if asked, would think it s perfectly normal to enter into our golden years without several, if not most or even all of our natural teeth. Being edentulous (without any teeth at all) is something we tend to associate with elderly people and while our teeth do tend to succumb to wear and decay the older we get, with the right care and maintenance, it is possible for your natural teeth to last you a lifetime.
Yes, tooth loss is something that typically happens with age, explains a dental implants surgeon in New Jersey. But what most people don t realize is that age alone is not really to blame. It s the accumulative lifelong effects of hygiene neglect, certain habits, such as smoking, or even chronic medications and genetics. There are many reasons teeth can go missing or need to be extracted. While there are dental implant techniques that can give patients new teeth in one day, nothing can really rival your own natural teeth.
And so, in this four-part article series, we shall be exploring these reasons. Prevention begins with heightened awareness and a new respect for how vulnerable your teeth are in the absence of the right care.
Accidental Trauma
The first of the many reasons teeth can go missing is accidental trauma, which describes any physical harm or damage that is received to the face and mouth in something as serious as a car or sporting accident. It can also come from something as innocuous as biting down hard on a peach pit. Either way, if the damage is extensive and leaves the pulp chamber and/or root of the tooth exposed via a crack, chip or fracture, extraction may be required, if the tooth hasn t been knocked out entirely.
What can be done to avoid it?
Accidental trauma can happen to people of any age and while accidents aren t planned there are things you can do in some cases to avoid it. If you play contact sports, it is essential that you wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth and gums, explains a New Jersey dental implants surgeon. Many professional boxers, football and hockey players lose one or more of their teeth during their careers as a result of getting smacked in the mouth.
Tooth Decay and Dental Caries
Perhaps the most common reason behind tooth loss is tooth decay. Your mouth is full of bacteria and the longer the time you leave between brushing and flossing your teeth, the longer these microorganisms are allowed to multiply. This is why good oral hygiene is essential. Bacteria feed upon the food debris and necrotic tissues that accumulate in your mouth and the wastes that they produce are high in acidity, says the dental implant surgeon. This irritates the gums and erodes away at the dental enamel forming cavities.
Without treatment, cavities can deepen and provide a direct pathway for bacteria into the pulp chamber of the tooth. When the tooth becomes infected, it can become painful or sensitive and require a root canal treatment. But if this fails, the tooth may need to be extracted and replaced with a bridge or dental implant.
The problem we find is that many patients ignore oral problems and complaints, either because they are scared of treatment or are embarrassed about the state of their oral health, this allows problems that could easily be treated to a progress to a point where the only option available is extraction. The ability to get new teeth in a day may sound impressive, but it shouldn t be viewed as a scapegoat for bad oral hygiene habits.
What can be done to avoid it?
Good oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist and professional cleanings are a must. Without preventative healthcare, tooth decay and potentially tooth loss is a certainty.
Stay Tuned for Part 2
To find out more about the various factors that can cause teeth to become irreparably damaged and/or decayed, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.
Gina Butler has the habit of writing online regarding dental health issues. She also has the experience of working with
renowned cosmetic dentists
. In this 1st part article she shares the common causes of tooth loss.
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