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By Derek DesRochers
How To Avoid A Speeding Ticket
The easiest way to avoid a speeding ticket is to drive safely. Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t make risky maneuvers. Drive within the speed limit. However, sometimes it is easy to lose track of your speed. Maybe a good song came on the radio or you have a lot on your mind at the moment. Next thing you know, you’re going 55 in a 45 and you hear those sirens behind you. It may be too late to stop yourself from getting a ticket, but you might be able to keep it low enough that it won’t hurt too much.
So what do you do?
1. Be polite. Be courteous. You were the one that got pulled over for doing something wrong; don’t act like you’re being inconvenienced.
2. Don’t try to challenge the police officer. You will not prove anything and may end up getting hit for other infractions if the officer feels so inclined.
3. Wait for the officer to state what you did wrong before jumping in with why you think you were pulled over. You may have done several things wrong, while the officer only noticed one or two. Don’t add more to the list!
4. Have any paperwork handy.
5. Most importantly, know your rights.
Even in some of the best circumstances, you may still get a ticket. So how do you avoid getting a ticket in the first place? A radar detector is a great way to keep you alert of any police officer that may be looking to pass out some easy tickets. Not only that, a radar detector will also help keep you more a lot of your driving – when you hear the alert, you’ll be sure to check your surroundings.
Of course, like cars, not all radar detectors are equal. If you’re a weekend warrior type, then a Whistler radar detector will fit into your budget and provide you with great protection. I personally recommend the Whistler XTR-690 and the Whistler PRO-78 radar detectors. Whistler has a variety of radar detectors in their line-up, so be sure to check them all out to find the one that fits your budget just right.
However, you may want something a little more robust; more features; better protection and all-around better radar detector. At the bottom end of this spectrum, I recommend the Beltronics Vector 995 radar detector. At the top end, you have the Escort 9500ix radar detector. The Beltronics Vector 995 radar detector, while offering great radar and laser detection, falls short of some of the features included with the Escort 9500ix radar detector. For instance, the Escort 9500ix uses GPS to track the locations of red light and speed-based cameras. Pretty cool, huh? You can also ‘silence’ any false alerts and the radar detector will remember them.
A combination of safe, alert driving and a mid- to upper-range radar detector can help you stay safe on the road. With budget cuts across the nation, you can bet that police departments will be looking to make up that lost funding somehow. Don’t become yet another ticket!
About the Author: I hope you enjoyed this article. For more information on radar detectors or to purchase a radar detector please visit
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