News briefs:April 23, 2010

 Correction — August 24, 2015 These briefs incorrectly describe BP as ‘British Petroleum’. In fact, such a company has not existed for many years as BP dropped this name when becoming a multinational company. The initials no longer stand for anything.  Wikinews Audio Briefs Credits Produced By Turtlestack Recorded By Turtlestack …

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Sony refreshes VAIO brand for business and entertainment

Thursday, July 31, 2008 From the middle of July, Sony Corporation refreshed their senior laptop brand VAIO from “Video Audio Integrated Operation” to “Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer”. According to Sony Taiwan Limited, this refreshment is an attempt to relocate the laptop consuming market for business and entertainment factors. In the …

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NASA sets launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery

Saturday, March 7, 2009 After almost two months of delay, NASA has set March 11 as the launch date for Space Shuttle Discovery. On February 22, NASA had stated that they indefinitely delayed the launch of Space Shuttle Discovery, which was originally scheduled for takeoff on February 12. Launch was …

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Astronomers witness supernova

Thursday, August 31, 2006 Scientists using NASA‘s Swift Satellite and other telescopes have observed a supernova in near real time occurring in the constellation of Aries. The explosion is said to be the most powerful explosion known to scientists, which consists of a gamma-ray burst or an x-ray blast. Scientists …

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