Submitted by: Andre Peter
Being eco-friendly nowadays sure is important; some would say it is actually a must. Many commercial cleaning London companies have already gotten on this path and have become able to identify what an office space is lacking in that regard.
There is usually much effort to make ones home green, but when it comes to the office, these attempts become less emphasised. It shouldnt be so and the best way to change this is to learn of practical ways to green the environment in the office and make it more eco-friendly. Making a big difference often starts with such small things:
Reuse and recycle every office produces paper and plastic waste, which can be recycled, if an effort is made towards that direction. At the very least, you can make it so that you put used materials in a separate container and have them for recycling afterwards.
Reduce paper usage one of the essential green tasks of every office is reducing paper usage. Establish a policy of printing out only essential information. In a digital age such as ours, it makes no sense to have every email and data printed out, because it can be stored online instead.
Reduce energy usage energy costs make for a substantial part of all overheads. That is why businesses must take steps in an effort to reduce them. Turning the heating down a single degree can reduce the bill by a lot. Furthermore, you can save further from your bills, by shutting down computers and other electronics, instead of leaving them on stand-by mode. Switch to efficient lighting options and find natural ways to cool and heat the room.
Reduce plastic instead of resorting to disposable cups, cutlery and plates, equip your office with mugs, glass plates and steel cutlery. Not only are these tools more durable, but they are also a better eco-friendly alternative.
Resort to green cleaning huge effort is put towards the goal of making cleaning products harmless for the environment and human health. It makes no sense to rely on harsh chemicals and solutions, when there are just as good green alternatives. Cleaning the office through green methods is a sure way to make it more eco-friendly and it is of great benefit for people working there as well.
Establish efficient travel using public transport whenever possible is advisable. Even better is cycling or walking to work, if the distance is not too great. Also, establishing a car scheme in which a single vehicle is used by multiple people travelling to work is also a great idea.
Go green rely on renewable energy sources for most, or if possible, all office needs. Go multifunction with equipment, as in buying a device that does several things, instead of having a single use. Co-ordinate supplies of stationery and pick recycled products.
All good commercial cleaning London companies rely on such methods and more. It is a wise decision to follow them and implement even more in your office, because they can make a difference.
If you want to know more about our Office Cleaning, please don’t hesitate to call us on 020 3322 6048.
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